

OneMBA的海外站学习分为北美站、欧洲站、南美站、亚洲站四次,其中亚洲站被很多同学戏称为the farest residency. 来自20多个国家的同学,跨越长长的时差,汇聚到厦门。他们中99%的人是第一次到厦门,甚至有很多学生是第一次到中国。那么问题来了,OneMBA的海外站到底学的是什么呢?我们来看看同学们对刚刚过去的亚洲站进行的点评,从中一探究竟吧



--I loved this lecture...Bill was entertaining and gave us some sense of Xiamen. It was important to understand why we were in Xiamen, of all places, and how that fits in geographically and historically.

--Prof Brown was incredible. His personal story is a perfect example of passion and respect toward a part of the world many are just experiencing for the first time.

---Prof. Fu is absolutely the right man with the right topic--this presentation really helped to explain a lot of what we see in China.




----Speakers from AT-Kearney and other strategy consultants belong to the best speakers that I’ve came across. They know what they are talking about. They information is relevant, up to date and provides a good level of depth. Their insights into China’s role in current and future global market are really helpful.



--Very Valuable lecture. Prof. DAI certainly had a lot to tell us, and his insights into Chinese economy and business decisions opened my mind and made me think more about my relationship with Chinese partners. Anyway, highly valuable.

--Dr. Jun Ruan did well to provide insight into a comparatively (to the West) young exchange market. His presentation is something we can only learn in a forum such as ours. In my personal reflection, I believe no book, magazine, or newspaper could represent a story so real.



-- Very good company visit, helped me to better understand the goals and mission of large Chinese (state-owned) companies. Very enjoyable as well.
