报名| 厦门大学-杜兰大学 MBA商业模式案例竞赛


为促进厦门大学MBA 与美国杜兰大学MBA 学生的国际交流,提升MBA 学生商业分析、决策和问题处理能力,厦门大学-杜兰大学两校将于320日在厦门大学管理学院举办MBA商业模式案例竞赛。比赛采用两校联合组队的方式进行。 现面向厦门大学MBA 在读学生开放报名,欢迎广大MBA学生积极参加。




地点:厦门大学 (具体教室另行通知)




2.良好沟通和演讲技巧, 良好的团队合作精神;


该比赛采取自愿报名,MBA 中心择优筛选的原则。咨询电话: 0592- 2188786  






1, 参赛学生分为10组,每组2-3名厦大MBA学生与4名杜兰大学MBA学生,由评委现场决定分组。





Xiamen / New Orleans Business Model Case Competition


Competition Structure:

Teams made up of two or three Xiamen and four Tulane MBA students would be created by the faculty. 


Student teams will be presented the case and then given approximately three hours to develop a new venture concept and pitch it to a panel made up of the fictional funds investors.  Faculty would be available to advise and coach the teams as they prepare their pitches.  After approximately two hours teams would need to submit short executive summaries written in English and mandarin.  Final presentations would be delivered in English, teams may choose to also include mandarin components, slides and visual aides would all be written in mandarin.   


Presentations will be done in two rounds, in the first round teams will be divided into two groups in two separate rooms.  In round one five teams would present concurrently in each room, and each team will present for 5 min plus 5 min of questions and answers.  This round will be judged by faculty members from each school potentially supplemented by members of the business community in Xiamen.  Judges will select one winning team from each room.  Students would also evaluate the team presentations in each room, these scores would be collated and used to select one additional finalist ('wild card' team).  This round would take around 70-80 min.


Finalists will be given a 30 min break to prepare for the finals presentations.  Executive summaries could not change but teams could modify their presentations and presentation slides.  During this time we could have a guest speaker or panel discussion for the students (minus the finalists).  


In round two, the two winning teams plus the 'wild card' team will go on to present to a final panel of Xiamen business leaders.  Final presentations will follow a similar format with the teams given 10 min in total to present and answer questions.  Presentations should be given in English, slides and visual aides should be in mandarin.  The Q&A session would be facilitated by a Xiamen faculty member. Judges would then select a single winning team based on their likelihood to pursue investment opportunities with the proposed new venture concept.  This round would take around 60 min.



杜兰大学(Tulane University),创建于1834年,位于路易斯安那州新奥尔良市,是美国南部一所历史悠久的顶尖研究型私立大学。学校的教育和研究涵盖诸多专业领域,近年来该学校更以其商学院和医学院而闻名。2009年被《美国新闻和世界报道》评为一级国家级大学,历年排名在全美前50名左右。这所学校共有学生1.2万人,包括6000多名本科生。1000多名教学研究人员中,包括诺贝尔奖获得主和众多国际级学科领军学者。杜兰大学成立至今,它校友及教师中有两人获得诺贝尔奖,五人获得普利策奖,其校友中更不乏有雅虎公司联合创始人、CNN前首席执行官、壳牌石油集团前首席执行官、哥斯达黎加总统等全球各界精英。杜兰大学对学生要求严格,是一所治学严谨,历史悠久,其商学院、法学院、医学院更是在各自领域内名列前茅, 闻名遐迩。


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